




Black and white drawings can be used inside Literal Translations, and color drawings can be used on the cover. Use <img ... width='240' /> to ensure that our pages display properly. The maximum width we can handle at this time is 240.

or this other subcategory:
  • Photos - Black and white photos can be used inside Literal Translations. Color photos can be used on the cover. The going rate is one free issue of LT. Use <img ... width='240' /> to ensure that our pages display properly. The maximum width we can handle at this time is 240.

Here are all our Drawings submissions

Jellyfish by Boo
Teeny by Boo
Wasp by Boo
Slinky by Boo
Dragon by Boo
Kangaron by Boo
Wraith by Boo
Poise by Boo
Pride before a fall by Boo
Shalimar by Boo
Litmocracy Bumper Sticker by Dave Scotese
Horse-ish by Boo
introducemyself by Captain Vegetable
Bring them home. by Dave Scotese