Voting Statistics
This shows up to 25 members who have produced the most decisions by ranking posts in this category.
The stats may not yet reflect voting that happened in the last 5 minutes.
Most Active Judges
Member | Number of decisions |
StarLizard | 6 |
deminizer | 6 |
jpoole44 | 6 |
Dave Scotese | 6 |
yesindeedybob | 1 |
jarkraus | 1 |
iconoclast | 1 |
Cora Broomfield | 1 |
Prometheus | 1 |
How the submissions compare to each other:
As of 2011-12-15 14:24:34, 3 voters liked Soon-to-be-Published, and now “Stop Me” better than You've Got to be Kidding Me.....As of 2011-12-15 14:24:34, 2 voters liked Soon-to-be-Published, and now “Stop Me” better than If you can understand all of this, then you are my dream..
As of 2011-12-15 14:23:46, 4 voters liked Soon-to-be-Published, and now “Stop Me” better than Lummox Press Calls for Submissions for the Todd Moore Anthology.
As of 2011-01-27 02:59:55, 1 voters liked You've Got to be Kidding Me.... better than Soon-to-be-Published, and now “Stop Me”.
As of 2011-01-27 02:59:47, 4 voters liked You've Got to be Kidding Me.... better than If you can understand all of this, then you are my dream..
As of 2011-12-15 14:21:05, 3 voters liked You've Got to be Kidding Me.... better than Lummox Press Calls for Submissions for the Todd Moore Anthology.
As of 2011-01-27 02:59:55, 2 voters liked If you can understand all of this, then you are my dream. better than Soon-to-be-Published, and now “Stop Me”.
As of 2011-12-15 14:24:34, 3 voters liked If you can understand all of this, then you are my dream. better than You've Got to be Kidding Me.....
As of 2011-12-15 14:24:34, 5 voters liked If you can understand all of this, then you are my dream. better than Lummox Press Calls for Submissions for the Todd Moore Anthology.
As of 2011-01-27 02:59:55, 1 voters liked Lummox Press Calls for Submissions for the Todd Moore Anthology better than Soon-to-be-Published, and now “Stop Me”.
As of 2010-04-03 21:31:54, 1 voters liked Lummox Press Calls for Submissions for the Todd Moore Anthology better than You've Got to be Kidding Me.....
It is possible for a "Preference Cycle" to occur, in which A beats B, B beats C, and C beats A. This paradox is resolved by favoring posts that more members have placed above the "I don't like this message" line, and by favoring later posts. These two methods balance each other since older posts will generally have more people liking them since they've been seen more.